Berdirinya PERHUMAS berawal ketika salah satu seorang praktisi humas, Marah Joenoes, menghadiri “World Public Relations Congress” ke-6 yang diselenggarakan di Jenewa. Almarhum Marah Joenoes sangat bersemangat untuk mewujudkan cita-citanya dan terlibat aktif dalam berbagai diskusi persiapan pendirian sebuah forum profesi kehumasan. Pertemuan pertama diadakan di gedung Wisma Internasional Pertamina (kini Gedung Persatuan Purnawirawan Angkatan Bersenjata RI – PEPABRI) di jalan Diponegoro No. 53, Jakarta yang dihadiri oleh para praktisi kehumasan dari berbagai instansi pemerintah baik sipil maupun militer, Badan Usaha Milik Negara, swasta maupun konsultan.

Mereka langsung menyepakati pendirian Organisasi Nasional dan menunjuk tiga orang yaitu Marah Joenoes, Tommy Graciano dan Wisaksono Nuradi untuk mengusulkan nama organisasi dan merancang anggaran dasarnya. Didorong kebutuhan akan sebuah forum profesi kehumasan untuk bertukar pengalaman demi peningkatan kualitas praktek kehumasan di Indonesia, maka sejak itu disepakati pendirian PERHUMAS.

Perhimpunan Hubungan Masyarakat Indonesia – PERHUMAS adalah organisasi profesi para praktisi Humas dan Komunikasi Indonesia yang didirikan pada tanggal 15 Desember 1972. PERHUMAS secara resmi telah tercatat di DEPDAGRI sebagai organisasi nasional kehumasan di Indonesia dan pada International Public Relation Association IPRA yang berkedudukan di London. PERHUMAS bertujuan meningkatkan keterampilan professional, memperluas dan memperdalam pengetahuan, meningkatkan kontak dan pertukaran pengalaman antara anggota serta berhubungan dengan organisasi serumpun di dalam dan luar negeri, Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, berbagai kegiatan yang bermanfaat bagi anggota, seperti penerbitan bulletin, buku dan jurnal, berbekal pengalaman – pengalaman dari momen – momen bersejarah yang telah dilalui selama kurun waktu 34 tahun ini, PERHUMAS ikut membidani kelahiran Federation Of ASEAN Public Relations Organization (FAPRO) pada 17 Desember 1977 di Kuala Lumpur. Penyelenggara ASEAN Public Relations Congress di Jakarta pada Tahun 1981, dan terakhir diterimanya PERHUMAS dalam Forum For Corporate Governance in Indonesia (FCGI) pada tahun 2002 perayaan Tri Dasawarsa PERHUMAS 2002, Musyawarah Nasional 2004 hingga Konvensi Nasional Humas Indonesia 2006 yang sedang kita laksanakan ini.

PERHUMAS tidak cukup berpuas diri akan apa yang telah diperolehnya selama ini. Praktisi profesi kehumasan harus memiliki tanggung jawab bersama untuk terus mengeksistensikan fungsi dan peran organisasi PERHUMAS dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelaksanaan kehumasan di Indonesia.

Badan Pengurus Pusat berkedudukan di Jakarta dengan cabang-cabang yang tersebar hampir di seluruh Indonesia.



Perhumas, the esteemed Indonesian Public Relations Association, owes its genesis to Marah Joenoes, a visionary in the field of public relations. Joenoes’s inspiration was ignited at the 6th World Public Relations Congress in Geneva, leading to the seminal meeting at Jakarta’s Wisma Internasional Pertamina, the present-day PEPABRI building. This landmark assembly united PR experts from a spectrum of sectors, laying the groundwork for a dedicated national PR organization.

With a unified vision, Joenoes, alongside Tommy Graciano and Wisaksono Nuradi, set forth to name and establish Perhumas on December 15, 1972. As a professional guild, Perhumas aims to advance Indonesian PR practitioners’ skills, broaden their understanding, and cultivate both local and global connections. Endorsed by both the Ministry of Home Affairs and the International Public Relations Association in London, Perhumas seeks to elevate the PR profession across Indonesia and internationally.

For over half a century, Perhumas has been instrumental in shaping the PR landscape through various initiatives, including the critical establishment of FAPRO and participation in the FCGI forum. With a governance board based in Jakarta and a reach extending across Indonesia, Perhumas remains committed to fostering the evolution of PR practices.

At present, Perhumas maintains a widespread network that includes 18 branch offices and 16 sections dedicated to young professionals, collectively serving around 3,000 members throughout Indonesia. This extensive presence underscores the organization’s dedication to expanding its impact. Programs like the Indonesia Bicara Baik campaign highlight Perhumas’s active role in encouraging constructive interaction within the community and on digital media channels.

Internationally, Perhumas ‘s ties with the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management underscore its collaborative ethos, its pursuit of excellence in PR, and its contribution to a network of over 360,000 global professionals.

Perhumas continues to champion professional development, quality in practice, and the collective progress of the PR industry, a testament to its dedication and influence.

Activities of PERHUMAS:

  1. Annually, PERHUMAS organizes flagship events like Konvensi Humas Indonesia or Indonesia Public Relations Convention and Pertemuan Humas Muda Indonesia. Indonesia Young Public Relations Gathering, fostering a forum for industry discourse and innovation.
  2. he association also celebrates excellence within the field through the Anugerah Perhumas and  Perhumas Excellence Awards, contributing to the industry’s recognition and standards.
  3. In research and publications, Perhumas produces such as the Perhumas Indicators and the commemorative ’50 Years of Perhumas’ book, alongside strategic recommendations at the Indonesian Public Relations Convention, provide insightful resources to the community.
  4. Advancing thought leadership, Perhumas enhances the expertise of its opinion leaders through media engagement and speaking engagements across various PR and media events.
  5. Furthermore, Perhumas’s commitment to professional growth is evident in its accreditation and certification programs, as well as ongoing education opportunities provided by platforms like Perhumas Lounge and Perhumas IDN Times.
  6. On the international stage, Perhumas collaborates with the Global Alliance, APACD, AMEC Global, and the ASEAN PR network, demonstrating its global reach and influence in the public relations realm.